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I doubt GT5 is undertracked and if so probably not by too much, maybe 150k - 200k at most.

And some of you aren't taking into account digital downloads of Gears 1 and 2 which could be as much as 500k per game. Not to mention look at the jumps Halo did numbers wise as a series. Halo 2 sold 2 million more than Halo 1 and Halo 3 sold 3 million more than Halo 2.

Now I'm not saying Gears is as big as Halo cause as a franchise its never proven that BUT I do think Gears 3 is going to hit 8 million and here's my reasons.

1) NO other big MS excluisve to compete with this Holiday. Sure there's a Halo 1 remake which will sell great and all but thats not the same as thing as a brand new Halo. MS will have a MASSIVE advertising campaign to this game since its the gem of the exclusives for the 360 outside of Halo.

2) Its the conclusion of an Epic exclusive trilogy. This game is being hyped up as the end of Marcus, Dom, and the Rest of Delta squad. Look how much bigger the conslusion of the Halo trilogy was in comparison to the others.

3) Multiplayer that actually works and feels amazing. Gears 2 multiplayer now is awesome but the thing is it took several updates and over a year to fix it. Gears 3 from the Beta alone felt polished and amazing. As we all know multiplayer can have a HUGE effect on sales.

And similarly I don't see GT5 haveing that great of legs outside of the next couple months. I mean you have one of the most stacked holidays in the history of gameing coming not to mention next year looks jam packed as well. I just really don't see GT5 doing much over 8 million unless Sony start bundleing the hell out of it maybe 8.5 million MAX. Either way its going to be close and I'm not claiming Gears 3 WILL outsell it but it certainly stands a chance.