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It has been over 5 months since I deleted my Facebook account and I couldn't be happier.  With all the locations tracking, privacy debacle (they used to reset your privacy settings after updates), etc I am glad I no longer belong to the Facebook community.  However, the main reason why Facebook has turned to crap is because they let everyone join.

Lets go back to when Facebook first started.  Only college students that had email addresses ending in .edu could sign up to Facebook.  This made it kind of like a college hub.  Then they let the crappy high school students in....  As if spreading rumors around high school didn't happen enough before Facebook.  Then they let everyone in..  I am sorry but when half my family is trying to add me as friends that is where I draw the line.  If a family member wants to know something about me they can just call.

Basically once they let everyone join I believe Facebook fell apart and turned to shit.  They should have kept it as college students only but I suppose the advertising dollars are just too tempting.