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I have said it once, and will say it again (only because this tread has gone on far longer then it should have).

Who Cares?

Is your CoD4 gaming experience worse because of GT? No. Do people buy a PS3 or 360 because of those trailers? No.

People buy a 360 because they want Halo, or Gears, or Mass Effect, or XBL, or any number of reasons that can only be gotten on a 360. People buy a PS3 because they want GT, MGS, FFX, Uncharted, R&C , and any number of reasons that can only be gotten on a PS3.

People... exclusive content sells console. Period. End of story.

All these videos do is allow fanboys to say "hahaha, look, my console beats your console". How about being a bigger man than someone who cares about such things, and go enjoy your chosen gaming system?