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PDF said:
@Fuzzmosis - For social problems look at the civil war like you said and the American Revolutionary War. They both solved social problems. Oppression and slavery.(which wasnt even the purpose of the civil war just a bonus).
You can also look at WW2 which saved the Jews. It not only did that but it brang the whole world especialy the US out of debt.
Most wars are simply over territory and overall economic reasons. That is why Britain did not let the US simply just leave or any country for the same reason.

Putting me on the list of stupid things? I think not, I think you can add yourself for thinking such a thing. Give me a war that was not because social or economical reason.

Iraq war- wether you believe we went for a good reason or not.
Good - Saddam was a horrible man killing thousands and we needed to save them.(social)
Bad - We went for oil(economic)

What if you think we went in because we thought we would have it under control of a government friendly to us where we could keep a large contigent of troops to send off to handle other problems anywhere else in the middle east since Turkey is at best a flakey ally.

Other things like say Iran getting nukes and being generally crazy.

I think that's why we invaded Iraq.  So it would be a foothold to handle other middle eastern issues and Iraq was about the only country in the area that has no friends.

Would of been better off if we'd of had even more troops there from the beggining.  Either way, we're going to have to hold it together until a solution is figured out, otherwise we're just going to pull out and the civil war death toll will make the current Iraq death toll look like a joke in comparison.

I'm all about the old classic saying "You break it, you bought it."