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4k1x3r said:

Hephaestos said:
4k1x3r said:
In other words Mexico is the best of the wortsts.. meh

Btw never heard of Gold Cup before too.

better than just being the worst... like the french! (didn't they play mexico last world cup?)

You think you're being smart by looking at my Profile and seeing that i'm French? But too bad i'm not a born French, I don't care for our Football Team, I support Montenegro. And I know that Mexico don't stand a chance against teams like England, Germany, Spain, Italy, some East Europe countries and even some countries from South Africa and South America, and others. So the best of the worst, as of what is happening with French team currently (several changes, that seem to be the right ones), you may regret what you said in the near future.

De qué estás hablando? México historicamente ha competido muy bien contra los equipos sudamericanos y también europeos, tanto así que desde que participa en Copa América (1993) ha llegado a 2 finales y 3 terceros lugares. ¿Contra los europeos? Has visto a quienes les ha ganado desde México 1986? Se le ha empatado 2 veces a Italia desde entonces, incluso. Se les ha ganado a Croacia y demás europeos en los últimos mundiales y Copa Confederaciones. Alemania y Bulgaria apenas nos superaron por un gol y en penales, respectivamente. Los africanos no pueden competirle en condiciones a México, aún.