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Seece said:

I don't think Peadophiles are insane, I don't even think it's an illness tbh. Just like you get some people that have a thing for red heads, or overweight people, these people are attracted to children, doesn't make it any less wrong of course but I do think it's just a case of preferences.

That said it probably runs a bit deeper than that, arnt most peadophiles victims themselves from childhood?

I don't think you should be arressted for anime porn, but if it indicates something like peadophilia, then you should be put on the watch list. It definitely shows you have tendencies ....

When you say that I hope you don't mean the 'Sex Offenders Register'... although going by the general tone of your post I would imagine not, just checking though.


brendude13 said:

Don't you watch South Park? The definition of "faggot" or "fag" has now been changed and it doens't insult homosexuals =D.

And this is pathetic, if this "law" applies to the UK as well then I will be arrested for CREATING child pornography after they see some of the shit that I draw during lunch break.

It very much does, last year the Labour party introduced it, stealthily I might add, in the wash up period before the election by 'rushing' it through parliament. By the way, the bill that this was part of also now means that it has since become illegal to view 'fetish' porn in the UK, i.e. bondage, domination etc... anything regarble as "obscene", lovely wording right?.


sapphi_snake said:


Is a rapist not just as "insane" as a paedophile? Is anyone who watches rape-porn insane?

Not really, unless the rapist has dellusional thoughts. The problem is that you're only thinking of the act itself, and not the motivation behind said act.

For example two people can shoot someone. One of them shot his father because he wanted to inherit his money. The other shot an old lady on the street because a voice in his head told him she was the antichrist. Which one of them is the crazy one? I think it's obvious.

The person watching rape-porn isn't really insane, unless they cannot distinguish reality from fiction.



And that is the crux of the argument pretty much, this alone disagrees with and disproves your whole argument because the fact is the vast majority of people who would ever view such material (I would like to say all but there really are some properly disturbed people out there) are perfectly capable of distinguishing manga/anime/cartoons/games from reality, no matter what they depict. Your entire point is that this isn't the case and that ultimately they are mentally fucked up.