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sapphi_snake said:


Everyone who molests a child is in fact not a pedophile. Pedophilia--the public perception at least--involves sexual attraction to undeage children.

Yes, quite true. Not everyone who sexually abuses a child is a paedophile. Some people do it just to cause harm. Paedophiles generally like children a lot (obviously) and they do not want to harm them (they do not think that their actions are harming the child).

To add to this, not everyone who is a pedophile sexually abuses children. That's where you're missing the point. DO FPSes claim a 100% conversion rate to mass murderers? How about we get rid of those, too?

sapphi_snake said:

Pedophiles can very much control themselves, otherwise all instances of their... violations would not, and in fact, could not be a crime.

Yeah, see, the thing is that this argument is based more on wishfull thinking, and the the desire to neglect the real problem. Paedophiles are insane, they cannot control themselves, and their violations should not be considered a crime. They're dellusional (they have twisted ideeas, like "people reach full sexual maturity at the age of 5"), and they require psychiatric help. Sending them to prison will do as much help as sending someone who hears voices telling him to kill people to prison. Prison only really works with sane people who think rationally. Most people ignore this because it's much simpler to pain paedophiles as diabolical monsters who should rot in jail, rather than what they really are: mentally ill people who need help.

Another thing: animated child pornography feeds the paedophiles dellusions. Because it's animated, and it involves fantasy characters, the children will be shown actually enjoying the sexual acts, thus the paedophile will recieve confirmation of his/her dellusions from such material.

I want to see where you picked this fact from, that 100% of pedophiles are considered clinically insane, have no control over their desires whatsoever. You shouldn't alienate an entire group of people based on the bad apples in the bunch. That's when you cross the line into prejudice.

So you're saying that pedophiles have no idea what they're doing is wrong? Is that the same for rapists? Do rapists commit crimes and then when caught say "Whoops. I didn't know I was doing wrong!"? Pedophilia is just as it's name applies: a -philia; an attraction to. It has no correlation to self control responses whatsoever. 

It's articles like this that make me think that the whole point of the initial instatement of the law has been lost along the line. Yes child sex abuse is a crime, and should still be. However, this sort of stuff is treading into fallible "future crimes" territory.