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sapphi_snake said:
naznatips said:

And in the same time the Japanese thought it was acceptable to have sex with young boys, the Europeans had no such thing as laws against rape nor child molestation, and the average age of marriage was 11.

The Japanese have some of the most efficient and effective law enforcement in the world, and very very few crimes go unreported. Part of this is it's a country where people are crammed so close together that you alway sknow what everyone else is doing. It's great that you're so sure of your misguided beliefs that you're willing to deny overwhelming statistical data (less than 1% of child molestations in the world are comitted by Asians and Pacific Islanders, while more than 50% are comitted by white people in countries in which we have such laws). What? There are 4 times as many Asians as Whites in the world too? Oh so White people in countries with laws against lolicon material are actually about 200 times more likely to commit the crime? Well, I'm sure it's just the police thing. Keep telling yourself that. 

But the thing is that these laws exist as a response to child abuse. You're trying to suggest that they're the cause, which is quite silly. If what you're saying is true about those statistics, it only shows that asians are less likely than whites to abuse children. Relaxing laws for child abusers would essentially doom children in Western countries.

Regarding your first paragraph, children were actually molested at that time in Europe. Are you suggesting otherwise?

No no not at all. The laws were not created as a response to child abuse, they were created in fear of a behavior leading to child abuse. A fear completely unsubstantiated by any real data. I'm not saying they're the cause (although who knows, maybe if people did vent their desires on fictional material it would happen less, there's no data to support this either). I'm saying it's simply proven to not be connected to sexual abuse. And even if it were remotely connected (which again, it's not) your'e still punishing people for something which might happen, not which has happened. Otherwise what people do in the privacy of their own minds is hardly the business of the government. 

Also, all my data is accurate.

Rate of child abuse by race:
  White = 51%
  African American = 25%
  Hispanic = 15%
  American Indian/Alaska Natives = 2%
  Asian/Pacific Islanders = 1%