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And for my gripes:
- The browser doesn't feature video support. I won't be using it to watch youtube or anything for the foreseeable future. I'll be sticking with my Droid for a matter of fact, I'll be sticking with my Droid for all of my web browsing, video watching, music listening, and what have you.

-I don't think I can put movies on it. Haven't tried yet but I don't see anything suggesting I can. For that reason, I'll still be taking my PSP to work with me. I've got a memory stick with about 12 movies on it. I was kinda hoping I could ditch the PSP but I'll still be using it for movies and comics and the occasional PSP game.

-Only one analog. Zelda worked very well and I know I'll probably be using the touch screen for camera controls but two analogs is a bit of an industry standard. Since the only portable with two sticks is going to be the PSV, I can overlook that one. I will be buying a PSV, though. That's just the kind of guy I am.

-Short battery life. Three hours is a long time, I guess. The battery has never run out on me but looking at the speed at which that indicator fades isn't too encouraging.

-Wi-Fi hog! Maye it's just my router but I couldn't update the console until I turned off the PS3 (was watching netflix) and the laptop! When they were on, I kept getting error/restart messages. Then, when I later tried to download videos and stuff, it happened again. To use the 3DS's Wi-Fi, I guess I'm going to have to turn everything else off. Sucks since somebody is always using the laptop, 360, Wii, phone's Wi-Fi (that's me!), or PS3 at any given moment.

-No "multi-touch" on the touchscreen. In this day and age, touch screens offer as many as five touch points at once. The 3DS only has one. It's not a deal breaker but I was a little shocked when I tried the browser and I couldn't "pinch zoom". For $250, I expected such a common feature.

And that's about it. I'm satisfied with the purchase and the potential right now. There were just a few little things that didn't sit well with me. But as a gaming device, I plan to spend a lot of time fawning over the 3DS. The good far outweighs the bad. And there's a ton of features that I haven't even tried, yet!!