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After I heard that Monolith isn't making it I figured the game is gonna suck and the franchise is done. However, about half way through campaign with Point man and a few multiplayer matches later and I must say I am happy with the final product.

Looks good (playing PC version), sounds great, and gameplay is tight as ever. AI is still freekin awesome...Makes AI is some recent FPS game campaigns look quite bad (homefront, COD, Crysis 2...). One aspect that they improved greatly is variety. There are Call of Duty moments, large scale Halflife 2 set piece moments...all mixed with the classic FEAR gameplay.

I am somewhat dissapointed with the story though. Don't really care about it to be honest but man is it crap... Wonder why they bother so much with it. Also it doesn't support 3 screen surround on PC, which is complete bullshit. FEAR 1 and 2 supported it perfectly. Screw consoles and being the lead dev platform...

In any case, the game is quite solid and Im looking forward to playing with Fetel and coop with buddies as it looks like its going to be something unique.