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As you all know,I've been unlucky in the ways of love. It seems that each girl that I'm attracted to are think I'm interested in either has a boyfreind are is married with kids. After,I find this out,I go from having hope,then get depressed,then the cycle starts all over again. It's not like I have high standards,as long as I can stand to look at a women and she has somewhat of a good personality,then I'm game. I'm 31 and never had a girlfriend are even as much kissed a girl. I have hooked up with girls,through other means,but I don't want to get into that and it's not the same. I've been living by myself for ten yrs. I was cool with it for along time,but as I get older it sucks more and more. I mean even frankenstein and the elephant man had somebody. I mean I'm not that much to look at and I kind of look like the real life version of frankestein,but there still has to somebody out there for me right? I mean how does a simpleton like me meet women? I'm mean I'm kind of a quiet person,but it's not like I won't strike up a conversation. I'll post some of my facebook pics it you like,to prove what I look like,so why are all the good women taken?---end rant.