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hudsoniscool said:
Does anyone else think halo 4 should be delayed until 2013 and be on the next Xbox. Every main halo game has been 3 years apart so why change that now. Why would they put halo 4 on the 360(maybe there biggest game of gen) just to release a new console the next year, we don't need that many halo's in a gen and it will kill its sales.

Halo 4 should be the ultimate halo, but it wont be if they release it on the 360. Halo reach while good had so frame rate problems to say the least. It didn't have any large battles like halo 3( i can think of one mission that had a battle so big iv never seen anything like it since). Remember the 2 scarab mission, that was epic. Halo reach'es graphics were pushed up to much thats why i believe there was no big battles or any scarabs in game. 343 will presumably push halo 4 even further than reach was pushed so that will probably mean the battles will be even smaller than they were in reach.

lets say they release the new console in spring 2013(don't want to give wii u to much of head start). halo 4 in fall 2013 would give it a killer holiday. Or if in fall 2013 halo 4 would be a killer launch title. They need to let the hype build and that wont happen very well if they release halo 4 in 2012.

The nextbox will get Halo 2 Anniversary very early in his lifecycle that is what I am expecting.