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When I used to play a lot of online FPS games on PC, "the zone" used to happen all the time. I played on a pretty competitive server with a lot of Cal-O and Cal-I players back in the day...

One round was a 30 man CS game where I SIGed 14 players out of 15 on the opposing team in less than a minute and a half... Talk about a lot of screaming going on from the mic... Hilarious.

Another time was me, slightly drunk, going 32-4 with a Mac-10 ONLY. Again, I had a lot of pissed off players on the opposing team. I also had a few rounds that were pretty similar with the TMP. One of my friends had a ridiculous 35-5 with the Scout only (or something equally as stupid, can't remember his exact score).

Man, I really miss old school CS. That was such a great time in online gaming if you knew where the good servers were. Everybody played that game, unlike today where players are split between dozens of popular FPS games.

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