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Allfreedom99 said:
BenVTrigger said:
Honestly yeah they are a big deal to me now days. I'm pretty hooked on them but not to the point where I game JUST for achieves / trophies but they do influence my purchase. Its honestly one of the reasons I still don't have a 3DS and why I'm still thinking I might not get a Wii U. If Nintendo never embraces a similar system I'll probably never buy a Nintendo console ever again.

But that sounds worse than I mean it. Its just now days they've become such a common feature it feels lazy to not implement them. I mean even stuff like Steam and Games for Windows on the PC have achieves so for Nintendo to just blatantly ignore that kind of bothers me. Imagine Smash Bros and Zelda with achievements = awesome.

So pretty much yeah I love Achievements / Trophies cause they extend my gameplay experience, encourage me to try things in games I never would have thought to do the first time, and allow me to track my friends and see what they are playing and how much they've spent with a game.

I couldn't agree more about Nintendo not including them. I think they do add more playability to games and enjoyability. I am disapointed that they have not added a system like this to their gaming devices. Do you think they have any effect on sales? or no effect?

here is an example of why i would NOT want achievements in nintendo games. 

in the ps3/360 games you collect say 100 randomly found items in the game and you get an ACHIEVEMENT or TROPHY. 

in a nintnedo game you collect say 100 randomly found items in the game and you UNLOCK something in teh game like a new armor, infinite money, replay the game as luigi, ect.