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Galaki said:


Early Tuesday morning the group tweeted: “Seems the glorious leader of LulzSec got arrested, it’s all over now… wait… we’re all still here! Which poor b****** did they take down?”

Yah the authorities shouldn't have called the guy a leader. I mean assuming he's the ex-anonymous guy then maybe he was actually active. Its hard to say whether to believe LulzSec that the guy was their IRC guy or the feds who call him a leader. Then again it makes sense that he was LulzSec's IRC guy as he was responsable for crashing the IRC channels that Anonymous used. Also if he is the same Ryan then LulzSec wouldn't have given him a very important position knowing his cover was blown.

As others said it doesn't seem that LulzSec has a leader. Many leaders maybe but no single leader. I wonder when the feds will actually bust one of their inner circle.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer