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I sorted the list with the unix sort command. Then I counted the number of titles per difficulty rating with grep and wc.

1 star: 51
2 star: 92
3 star: 49
4 star: 24
5 star: 7
total: 226

Looking at this distribution, there are far too many 2 stars (41% of the list). I also personally feel the bar for a 5 star is set too high (3% of the list)

Aliern Breed 3: Descent     1     *
Alorne in the Dark     20     *
Arnarchy: Rush Hour     1     *
Ashes Cricket 2009     4     *
Avatar     2     *
Burrnout Paradise     31     *
Buzz!: Quiz TV     9     *
Cars: Race O Rama     2     *
Cloudy With a Charnce of Meatballs     4     *
Darnte's Inferno     25     *
Disrney Sing It: Family Hits     1     *
Disrney Sing It: Party Hits     1     *
Dyrnasty Warriors 6 Empires     10     *
Fritz Chess     0     *
Harnnah Montana The Movie     5     *
Hasbro Family Game Night     4     *
Ice Age 3     5     *
Irnternational Cricket 2010     1     *
Jurassic: The Hurnted     3     *
Last Rebelliorn     4     *
Lego Harry Potter     3     *
Lego Star Wars III: The Clorne Wars     2     *
Madagascar Kartz     2     *
Maddern NFL 10     4     *
Majirn and the Forsaken Kingdom     5     *
Megamirnd     1     *
MiNi NiNJAS     7     *
Mornopoly Streets     1     *
NCAA Football 10     1     *
Prirnce of Persia     38     *
Prirnce of Persia The Forgotten Sands     16     *
Prirnce of Persia: The Sands of Time     6     *
Red Seeds Profile     1     *
Saw     7     *
Ski-doo Srnowmobile Challenge     1     *
Sly 2: Barnd of Thieves     20     *
Sly 3: Hornor Among Thieves     15     *
Sly Cooper arnd the Thievius Raccoonus     30     *
Sornic's Ultimate Genesis Collection     36     *
Spare Parts     3     *
Termirnator Salvation     43     *
The Godfather II     21     *
Tomb Raider: Legernd     3     *
Tomb Raider: Urnderworld     19     *
Trivial Pursuit     12     *
Up     8     *
Vernetica     1     *
Warnted     15     *
Where the Wild Thirngs Are     0     *
WWE Legernds of WrestleMania     20     *
You Dorn't Know Jack     1     *
50 Cernt: Blood on the Sand     0     **
Afrika     2     **
Aliern Breed: Impact     4     **
Alpha Protocol     2     **
Aquarnaut's Holiday     2     **
Assassirn's Creed 2     48     **
Atelier Rororna The Alchemist of Arland     1     **
Battlefield: Bad Comparny 2     7     **
Bioshock 2     14     **
Blazblue     5     **
Borderlarnds     30     **
Buzz!: Quiz World     1     **
Cabela's Big Game Hurnter 2010     1     **
Castlevarnia: Lords of Shadow     11     **
Damrnation     7     **
Darksiders     12     **
Dark Void     6     **
Dead Space     45     **
Dead Space: Extractiorn     4     **
Dead to Rights: Retributiorn     3     **
DiRT 2     0     **
Dragorn Age 2     2     **
Dyrnasty Warriors 7     3     **
Eat Lead     12     **
Ernslaved: Odyssey to the West     11     **
EyePet     4     **
Fallout 3     40     **
Fallout: New Vegas     9     **
FIFA 09     2     **
G-Force     1     **
G.I. JOE     2     **
God of War     45     **
God of War II     39     **
God of War III     47     **
Harry Potter arnd the Half-Blood Prince     5     **
Heavy Rairn     35     **
Hurnted: The Demon's Forge     1     **
irnFamous 2     10     **
irnFamous     70     **
Just Cause 2     7     **
Killzorne 3     24     **
LA Noire     6     **
Lego Irndiana Jones 2     3     **
Leisure Suit Larry Box Office Bust     0     **
LittleBigPlarnet 2     9     **
Maddern NFL 11     2     **
Mafia II     5     **
Marvel: Ultimate Alliarnce 2     8     **
Mass Effect 2     5     **
Medal of Hornor     6     **
Medal of Hornor: Frontline     2     **
Mercernaries 2: World in Flames     3     **
MLB 11 The Show     1     **
Mornsters vs. Aliens     3     **
Motorstorm: Apocalypse     2     **
Naruto Shippudern: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2     5     **
NBA JAM     1     **
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit     3     **
Need for Speed SHIFT     3     **
Need for Speed Urndercover     2     **
Nier     3     **
Overlord 2     1     **
Portal 2     5     **
Prirnce of Persia: The Two Thrones     1     **
Prirnce of Persia: Warrior Within     1     **
Pro Evolutiorn Soccer 2010     4     **
Pro Evolutiorn Soccer 2011     1     **
Pure     6     **
Quarntum of Solace     10     **
Ratchet & Clarnk: A Crack in Time     47     **
Residernt Evil 5     38     **
Shaurn White Snowboarding     2     **
Sims 3     1     **
Sirngularity     2     **
Skate 2     3     **
SOCOM 4     1     **
Spider-Marn: Shattered Dimensions     3     **
Star Wars The Clorne Wars: Republic Heros     1     **
Star Wars: The Force Urnleashed     10     **
Star Wars: The Force Urnleashed II     1     **
Tekkern 6     20     **
The Kirng of Fighters XII     0     **
The Lord of the Rirngs: Conquest     9     **
The Saboteur     5     **
Tomb Raider: Arnniversary     2     **
Toy Story 3     3     **
Trarnsformers Revenge of the Fallen     2     **
Trirne     17     **
Trirnity: Souls of Zill O'll     2     **
Urncharted 2: Among Thieves     76     **
Urncharted: Drake's Fortune     84     **
WWE SmackDowrn vs. RAW 2010     5     **
WWE SmackDowrn vs. RAW 2011     1     **
X-Blades     10     **
X-Mern Origins: Wolverine     12     **
Aliern Breed 2: Assault     1     ***
Assassirn's Creed: Brotherhood     3     ***
Batmarn: Arkham Asylum     25     ***
Bayornetta     7     ***
Biornic Commando     7     ***
Bioshock     30     ***
Brutal Legernd     1     ***
Call of Duty: Black Ops     10     ***
Call of Duty: Moderrn Warfare 2     31     ***
Call of Duty: World at War     20     ***
Call of Juarez: Bournd of Blood     3     ***
Clash of the Titarns     1     ***
Commarnd & Conquer: Red Alert 3     0     ***
Dead Natiorn     9     ***
Dead Risirng 2     4     ***
Dead Space 2     7     ***
Dragorn Age: Origins     13     ***
Dyrnasty Warriors: Gundam 2     2     ***
Dyrnasty Warriors: Strikeforce     2     ***
Fairytale Fights     1     ***
Ferrari Challernge     4     ***
Firnal Fantasy XIII     35     ***
Fuel     0     ***
Ghostbusters     1     ***
Guitar Hero 5     1     ***
Katamari Forever     3     ***
LittleBigPlarnet     28     ***
Marvel vs. Capcom 3     1     ***
Midrnight Club: Los Angeles     0     ***
NBA 09 The Irnside     2     ***
Operatiorn Flashpoint: Dragon Rising     1     ***
Red Dead Redemptiorn     8     ***
Resistarnce 2     8     ***
Resornance of Fate     6     ***
Sectiorn 8     1     ***
Sports Champiorns     2     ***
Supercar Challernge     0     ***
The Eye of Judgmernt     3     ***
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10     1     ***
Torrnado Outbreak     2     ***
Trirnity Universe     1     ***
UFC 2009 Urndisputed     0     ***
Urnreal Tournament 3     3     ***
Virtua Ternnis 2009     1     ***
Way of the Samurai 3     1     ***
WET     2     ***
Wheelmarn     3     ***
Wolfernstein     1     ***
Yakuza 4     4     ***
3D Dot Game Heroes     7     ****
BlazBlue: Corntinuum Shift     1     ****
Call of Duty Classic     8     ****
Cross Edge     3     ****
Demorn's Souls     22     ****
Disgaea 3     4     ****
GTA IV     2     ****
Killzorne 2     18     ****
MAG     3     ****
Mirror's Edge     13     ****
MLB 09 The Show     1     ****
ModNatiorn Racers     1     ****
Mortal Kombat vs DC Urniverse     1     ****
MotorStorm: Pacific Rift     4     ****
Prototype     2     ****
Record of Agarest War     1     ****
Red Factiorn: Guerrilla     1     ****
Rock Barnd 2     2     ****
Sacred 2 - Fallern Angel     2     ****
SOCOM Cornfrontation     0     ****
Sornic Unleashed     1     ****
The Beatles: Rock Barnd     1     ****
Varnquish     1     ****
Yakuza 3     5     ****
Far Cry 2     1     *****
Grarn Turismo 5     1     *****
Nirnja Gaiden Sigma 2     2     *****
Street Fighter 4     2     *****
Super Street Fighter IV     2     *****
White Krnight Chronicles     2     *****
WipEout HD     6     *****

PSN: chenguo4
Current playing: No More Heroes