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Thanks for the update Arcturus.

How are you gonna put together the lists? Based directly off the difficulty rating on ps3t?

I'm not sure that'd be entirely accurate, since the audiences for different games might be different... I.e. people who play NGS2 will typically have a higher standard for difficulty than those who play Ratchet and Clank. On their scale they might vote R&C a 6, where a game like NGS2 on their scale would be a 20.

Before making any sort of star distribution, we should probably agree (very roughly) on a difficulty order for games. I'm gonna list the games by stars, then alphabetical, and then note my proposed reorderings (involving the games I've played). After a lot of people have chimed in we should have a decent idea of difficulty order.

PSN: chenguo4
Current playing: No More Heroes