Crystalchild said:
Neoseeker's Wikia has a List of all Skills, telling ya which quest is to solve for your trees specifically. (Thogh the Quests might be called different, many are still just a japanese translation.. but by looking into the description, you should be able to find out which Quest it is) @Add; I Hope so, too.! If you want to Rank up, this GR14 Greede Quest where you have to kill 1 of 4 Golems is still the way to go, givin ya 17,500 Points in 2-5 Minutes (+ Saving and regroup <.<) , depending on how ya do it. when i come back online, ill do that one Offline with AI Party, takes a minute more to complete, but waiting for ppl to join isnt an Issue then. @Solving Sidequests; I did it that way; |
i'll try to reach a good GR soon so you wont get bored playing with me =P i use a headset, usually, it's faster to discuss strategy than typing. well if the sound is clear at least.
i did most of my GR climbing doing errands it was pretty fast up to GR 10 now it's slowed down so i'll try to finish as many Quests as possible.