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Well I thought I was dreaming when I saw the report on the news . The reporter stated Canada was dropping the 100 and 50$ bills in favour of plastic, full story after the break. I origionally thought that the Government was getting rid of fifty and hundred dollar bills in favour of credit and debit cards.

When the report came back they clarified that Canada will be using polymer made 100 and 50 dollar bills. The Government stated that plastic is far more durable then the paper cotton bills. The Government also stated these bills will have a host of new security features to keep pirates from making counter fits.

Apparently in a few years 10,20 and 5 dollar bills will likely follow making Canada the first country I know of to use plastic money. What do you think is this idea of plastic money a good thing? Are the security features worth it? What about the durability the Government says the bills will last 2.5 times longer then the paper cotton bills, what you think is that awsome or what?

Should the US follow Canada's lead? Infact should other countries in general? Whats your thoughts?


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer