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I did alittle searching on the web to see if this story was legit and reported by other sources. However every source I found quoted Ynet and reported the story pretty much identically, no other site or news agency actually reported the story themselves they all took Ynet's word for it. Infact the article you quoted said the Rabbi denied sentencing the dog to death by stoning.

Why is everybody even getting mad, this story is obviously exagerated or fabricated. Also Sapphi meant no offense when he brought Muslim's into the conversation. Fact is this whole article is pretty stupid.

As for me not liking what I see, I'm not Jewish heck I would be alittle upset if this story turned out to be true I think you'd have to be pretty dillusional to think you cast the spirit of a lawyer into a dog and then your going to kill that lawyer dog by stoning. I don't even support Israel on many political issues.

I just think all of those getting upset or even believing this story to be true, should give it a second glanse and admire it for what it is good fiction material.


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