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Throughout these debates I'm always amused by people saying that this isn't playing out in the same way as the DS/PSP debates did in 2004 when they were clearly 10 years old at the time (or perhaps younger). They're in no position to say anything of the sort.

2004: It's more powerful, it's got an analog nub which is better than a touch screen, it's got better media capabilities so it's like an all in one device, UMD > cartridge (no, really...), no Playstation has lost a console war and thus it's games are more popular, it's more expensive so it seems like more of a luxury item whereas the DS looks cheap, etc, etc, etc, etc...

2011: It's more powerful, it's got two analog nubs and two touch screens (suck it!), it's got 3G so it's always online, it's got cartridges as well and they're awesome, our augmented reality is better than your augmented reality, it's got price parity but the 3DS still looks cheap, Sony stumbled so Nintendo will as well etc, etc, etc, etc...

Yeah, it's completely different.... *sigh*

Carry on, I'll see you in x years for the next round of 'new' debate.
