rutea7 said:
i cant master my skills cause it seems i need to complete some quests to unlock some final skills and i dont know which ones. i'm gonna add you right now =) hope to be able to play together soon |
Considered to buy the Guide too, but when it releases, most will be found by then.. great for Americans, Canadians and Co. though.
Neoseeker's Wikia has a List of all Skills, telling ya which quest is to solve for your trees specifically. (Thogh the Quests might be called different, many are still just a japanese translation.. but by looking into the description, you should be able to find out which Quest it is)
@Add; I Hope so, too.! If you want to Rank up, this GR14 Greede Quest where you have to kill 1 of 4 Golems is still the way to go, givin ya 17,500 Points in 2-5 Minutes (+ Saving and regroup <.<) , depending on how ya do it. when i come back online, ill do that one Offline with AI Party, takes a minute more to complete, but waiting for ppl to join isnt an Issue then.
@Solving Sidequests; I did it that way;
I ran through every place, accepted everything i could, and started solving. xD Might be overwhelming at first, but 90~/150 are pure talk n' travel, so i solved many by just visiting every town twice, but i'll let the last 15 Quests for later, because those ones require insane Farming..
and a total fail ive experienced;
We were 6 ppl, 3 of them had a Bow, 2 had a longsword, and i had a Short Sword with me..
in the Bossfight, everyone was out of Mana, and stayed out of Mana.... -___- .. this is what i call stupid, since Bow Users can replenish Mana <.< (SS can, too. but only for itself.)