Haha WKC2 gets better and better.
Weve visited a Place for LV80+ (The Lost City of Velgander.. its called that in the german version at least), but we all were 58-62ish.. it was so awesome xDD it became a fight for Life and Death on every single Enemy, and many many ppl died.. but we've reached the end of the first floor after 1 1/2 hours, and eventually saw the boss. .. So much fun XDD. (And i found a '? ? ? Armor' in a Chest, which turned out to be a 75+ Fire Resistance armor with MP and Agility.. cute thing, looking forward to wear it. =D
.. the laughter was so awesome when ive entered a Room with another one before the other 4 catched up to us, and yeah,, we opened the door and a giant behemoth ran after us.. and we survived :DD .. we both were totally Rofl'ing xD .. even dieing or almost dieing is fun xD
the desasterous sales of 8,7k in EMEAA first week are just.. awful. This game isnt perfect, but its totally underrated. but that happens if reviewer are playing 15 differen Shooters a day and expect totally fast paced action CallofDutyLike games, were you oneshot all and then keep on running..