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Aiddon said:
Everyone needs to themselves (and logical thinking) a favor and actually crack open a book about the stock market (I recommend Matt Taibi in particular). This is, historically, what a price drop in a week means on the stock market: JACK. FREAKIN'. CRAP. We have known for DECADES about how easily stock markets are manipulated and how badly they fluctuate

I think you've still got some reading to do.


Yes the markets fluctuate, no, not all activity in the market is standard fluctuation.


This decline in NTDOY is the result of several factors, only half of which are attributable to Nintendo themselves, the other half being comprised of global politics and finance.

1) We're all in a bad economy, the entire NYSE is down 900 points in the last month and a half.

2) Japan is in the midst of a nucular catastrophy

3) The world is on the brink of WWIII

 Now for Nintendos part:

1) They let the Wii die an early death (I still don't get why, but U may yet make things clear in the comming years or two)

2) They launched 3DS without a AAA first party ap (you think they would have learned that lesson from the GC...)

3) They are releasing yet another piece of ground breaking tech that most people won't understand until they play it.



Its not just standard market movement.  The market IS very volitile right now, and that does account for up to even %50 of the decline, but the rest is due to speculation on Nintendos questionable future no doubt.  That said, I expect it to start correcting back upwards soon and should be back around $27 by mid fall.


 Edit: that is of course barring the actuall comencement of WWIII, if they get that ball rolling all bets are off.