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Dude, this thread is way better that the other thread, so much humor here, intentional or not. I see the word "prone" is being thrown around fairly loosely too. Lol at terms like chopped and mutilated. I actually used to bust my friends balls and tell them that they were "circumcised, cut down to size".

It seems natural for people who have been "chopped", still laughing BTW, to be defensive about it. I think more so than people from the uncut camp being defensive about their dicks being dirty or ugly. Uncleanliness is easily remedied and aesthetics is obviously highly subjective. But being cut is irreversible, so you'd better be happy with it, lol.

On the porn topic, I have no doubt that there are far more cut guys in AMERICAN porn. Porn from countries where being uncut is the norm will most likely produce more uncut dicks in their movies. This should be easy enough logic to follow.

And now to my anecdotal experiences concerning women. I have had more than a few that were very curious about my uncut dick. Even a few that were downright amazed at how the skin works. It's a funny thing seeing adult females staring at your cock up close as they slowly jerk it just to watch the skin slide back on forth and be like, that's so cool.

I LOVE paying for Xbox Live! I also love that my love for it pisses off so many people.