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His termination was utterly justified. He was caught making public threats. You will be fired by any company for that, and that is completely regardless of the job you are performing. You just don't do that. All it does is hurt the public perception of the company. Beyond that the blacklisting of reviewers is what has caused developers the majority of their review problems. It has been done, but look what it has cost them. The practice has done a excellent job of creating a monster. Which not only bites the hand that feeds it, but is ravenous all of the time.

The tactic does not work, and it has never worked. All it has done is to make a minor problem into a big headache. The thing is this low balling, slandering, and shunning will always trump blacklisting. The reviewer has all of the real power in this relationship. The only real option that a developer should consider is bolstering the most reputable of sites even if they don't hand out glowing reviews. Only then will the problem become more controllable.