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Man o' man I love how this site works sometimes :P

1.)Sony Fanboy: Yeah the PS3 lineups going to be sick in 08!!!!!

2.)Naysayer: Meh the others will be better because unlike Sony, the Wii and 360 still have some cards up there sleeves

3.)Sony Fanboy: Yeah well MGS, Killzone2, etc etc etc etc etc etc

4.)Naysayer: meh, I'm still more interested in what the other two will do, your ps3rdplace is teh sux

5.)Sony Fanboy: Dude! On top of what's already anounced, Sony has 20 more UNANNOUNCED exclusives!!!!

6.)Naysayer: Well holy shit, like thats news, they all do dumbass ahhahahahahahahaha (See comment 2) 


ANYWAY, wtf with all the Wii news in here :P Last time I checked Wii exclusives were exclusives for obvious reasons. I don't even put those two in the same category of gaming anymore >_> Anytime I hear the term exclusive I just think between the 360 and PS3. I put HD and SD games in different categorys. So from what I gather, if any of this is true, on top of the several Juggernauts ALREADY planned on the PS3 this year, they have 20 more exclusives un-known? Thats great news for the PS3. Of course every console has exclusives, we just all assumed that since Sony's been chatting up a storm about how great there 2008 lineup is, that the well was dry beyond that. Good to know it's not :P

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.