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Galvaniser i think its possible Matusno is working on another Ogre Battle game, which i would say fits in with Squares recent press release, about how they want to continue to improve the FF, KH and DQ series, at the same time as establishing 2 new IPs from their Japan studios. or reviving 2 IPs, like Tactics Ogre and Parasite Eve.

so it seems to me, that Ogre Battle ? could be next in the pipeline for the FF Tactics teams. but unfortunately it could be something we dont care about like Madworld 2. not that the script for Madworld wont be good - we just wont get a FF12 type RPG experience we've been waiting for since 2007.

however Hiroyuki Ito has always worked on the FF series, so i think he will head the next game and it could be announced at TGS, as a launch title for the Wii U at the same time as multiplatform.

Aiddon, not all of PDD 4 worked on the Tactics Ogre remake; besides Minagawa commented on how the remake was only possible because it could be done very fast - in the space of 1 year. its been about 4 maybe even 5 years since the Japanese staff finished FF12. and we have no idea what they've been doing for that time. to the best of my knowlegde only the FF Tactics team worked on Tactics Ogre last year, since that was their game to begin with. so what the others are doing or have left Sqaure Enix is a mystery.

and from interviews with FF12 staff, i think they would do it again. the oppertunity to work on an FF game is one of the biggest oppertunties in gaming. besides Minagawa is working on FF14, surely it is evident from that he is willing to work on a big project.

one last thing; PDD 4 could be a relatively small team. but if we look at PDD 1, which is a much bigger team. their efforts are spread between 3 or 4 games at the moment. and we can see this is a very inefficent model. so i think its possible PDD 4 are working as a complete unit instead of spread between loads of projects they will get the project done.

however all we know is that there will be FF15, we simply dont know if PDD 1 will be allocated the project, or if it is already deep in production with PDD 4, who have not confirmed its existance at all. so we could be chasing vapourware!