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"AAA" to me means a number of things.

1.) The game meets what the developers intended it to be. It was a completed work of art and they had plenty of time to meet their vision.

2.) A "AAA" game covers all the bases, Amazing Story, Great sound track, great flow, moments that constantly bring you happiness and wonderment, the games that really take you out of your reality and show you things only video games can :P

3.) Game play, I'm not looking for innovation at every damn corner of the world, I want a solid game. To me, Uncharted was a AAA title, I had an absolute blast playing the game and I never got that sensation of "been there, done that" because anything that could even remotely compare to it was simply a different game. Games can take anything they want from anywhere they can get it as long as it meets what they want out of the experience.

4.) Pizzaze! I'm so tired of generic games, games that just feel boring. I want a game that springs to life when I play it! I tried getting into Dragon Quest, but man the battles just felt so lifeless ;-; everything just felt so lack-luster, I don't mind repeated ideas, but man have some style! If it's a shooting game, give me some guns!!! Make them sound awesome! Give me some hit response! I want to feel empowered as a player, I'm playing the game! Not the other way around :P

Sales have absolutely nothing to do with how good a game is, so I just leave that out of the picture >_> 

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