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chenguo4 said:

Always put the most important info first. Also, maybe in big bright red bold letters, say you'll be permabanned if you ask without 100 posts. That'll be damn effective, I bet


Just got elite campaign legend in wipeout hd. Joke compared to GT5, only thing difficult was the tournament in the final stage on phantom speed (which was damn hard, the AI seemed overly aggressive).

From the description though, Zone Zeus and Beat Zico will be epically hard... Tbone and whoever else got the wipeout plat, which one did you think was harder, and how much harder was it than elite campaign legend?

Zico is all about consistency with your barrel rolls and knowing when to sideshift to minimize the turning you'll need to do. Also using the select trick on the lap before makes it significantly easier. I found Zone Zeus to be the hardest. I don't think I could have even done it without Fury. Even on Syncopia it was still incredibly hard. I died literally a second after I got the trophy. I actually didn't have a lot of trouble with elite campaign either. The final tournament only took me a few tries. Although I actually found Arcade Perfect to be incredibly hard, although I didn't use the second controller trick.

Proudest Platinums:
1. Gran Turismo 5
2. Persona 4 Arena
3. Wipeout HD
4. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
5. Super Street Fighter 4