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ryuzaki57 said:
darkknightkryta said:

Um you don't need more than 2 ravagers and a commando. If things are really tough then a ravager, commando and healer. You can get through 90% of fights this way. Come across a boss? Then 2 synergists and a sabatour or inverse that. Then 2 ravagers and a commando and 3 healers if you have to heal.

What's this bullshit? In the last parts of the game you have to change Optima every 30 seconds and use every role if you want to survive and/or play efficiently. Against Adamants you need 2 defensers at least and every single of your optima slots by the way.

why bullshit? dude the last part of the game is about 1 hour, one out of around 35 thats 3 % , you are calling bullshit on hiim because the last 3 % of the game you cant use 2 ravengers and a commando.... ?

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

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