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i have a small backlog of Wii games to play and so i finally started Other M today. my god, i don't want to make any rash judgements, but it's so too ridiculous to take seriously. im going to play through the whole thing because the first boss fight, the last thing i did, was ok. i think the game will be funner to play. but the story thing is insane, i feel like it was a huge mistake. i know there was a backlash from fans for doing this but i can see why it was so big. i loved super metroid, metroid 1, prime 1, and i even liked fusion. they all had no to very little story, sans fusion, but even then it wasn't that pervasive. i havent played prime 2 and 3 yet. but i plan to. i just cant believe nintendo thought adding those cutscenes was a good idea, it took me a good 7 minutes of watching movies before i got to the training thing.

i just recently played phantom brave, wario shake it, wii sports resort, kirbys epic yarn, and sin and punishment 2, and they were all great games imo. i liked how all those games had little emphasis on story, barring phantom brave. i thinkk the presence of story was ok in phantom brave because its an rpg and you could skip scenes if you wanted to. ive come to expect story in jrpgs and srpgs only, but thats the way i would like it. they usually have enough playtime where you can go on long runs of gaming and watch story if you want.

what do you guys think about story in games? i feel that it should be kept limited in all genres except rpg, and even then, it shouldnt be the main focus. i put this in nintendo discussion because i mostly play nintendo stuff btw, and i feel they have the best non-stroy driven games.

Everyday I'm hustlin'.


Wii and DS owner.