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theprof00 said:
elticker said:
theprof00 said:
elticker said:
also remember that by being uncircumsized you carry more of the hpv as it is harder to clean uncircumsized dicks. hpv has been linked to umm what was it i think it was uterus/vaginal cancer something like that which has to do with the womens reproductive system.

lololol, yeah maybe for Americans circumcision is the answer since everyone here is so lazy they can't take an extra 5 seconds to clean themselves.


"Roughly three-quarters of U.S. adults have had at least one HPV infection, according to an editorial by Matthew R. Golden, M.D., and Judith N. Wasserheit, M.D."

-and yet >60% of males are circumsized

"It's not clear why circumcision may affect infection rates. But the study authors suggest that penile foreskin may provide a moist, favorable environment for herpes and HPV to survive and enter cells on the skin's surface. Once the foreskin is surgically removed, the risk of infection may be reduced. Men can lose their sex drives too

They also note, however, that male circumcision is not completely effective in preventing sexually transmitted infections. Safe sex practices, including consistent condom use, are still necessary to provide the best protection."


This whole study, which several of you have now referred to simply looks at a case study (a long term study involving multiple checkups over a period of time) and looks at a group of newly circumcised individuals versus non circumcised ones and sees who was more likely to get hpv or hiv or herpes. What a fatal fatal failure of logic for those scientists. Hey, did you guys know that eating ice-cream is linked to drowning?!?! It's true! But not because ice-cream makes you drown, but because ice cream is mostly eaten in the summer when people also go swimming. MASSIVE FAIL for these scientists. "It's not clear why circumcision may affect infection rates." FAIL.

is this sarcastic or did scientists really say. i love ice cream and eat it summer or not if it was up to me i would eat it everyday after each meal.

This is the problem with studies not involving actual testing. It's called a "confounding factor", and it relates to correlations. Correlations do not equal cause. So many scientists have a problem understanding this simple concept. Eating ice cream does not make one more susceptible to drowning. It just so happens that eating ice cream and swimming both receive a huge boost at the same time due to the fact that both happen most in the summer.

And yes, at one point, a scientist actually thought that eating ice cream makes you more likely to drown.

lol, i would have drowned by now i probably eat more icecream in a month what the average person eats in a year. however this month and the one before it i am dormant cause of exams and stress, dam once i finish exams i am getting 4kg of icecream home with strawberry dressing and i will test there theory and going swimming daily lol.

side note. i almost drowned twice before at sea when i was young and i didn't eat ice cream before either. it was so scary though, however i was young and learned how to anchor my self and saved my sister later on after a year or 2. dam sea at egypt is fatal, especailly that there arent alot of lifeguards