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This topic is pointless. Its a religious issue, and the differences between circumcised and uncircumcised men are minimal enough both medically and in terms of sexual pleasure that they aren't quantifiable. Plus, how is it possible to know that it doesn't feel as good circumcised if almost everyone has it done as a baby? It's not mutilation because it doesn't "degrade the appearance or function of any living body," as per wikipedia.

Female genital cutting is practiced in Middle Eastern and African countries, generally Muslim, as a way of exerting male dominance in a sexual relationship and is expressly designed to remove pleasure from sex. That is mutilation. Case closed.

I'm not a fanboy, I just don't enjoy dual analog control.  It's d-pad or wii-mote for me.

the conduit has changed the way wii play games.

I know.  I'm sick of the puns too.