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It seems silly, but the controller is the reason why I like my 360 the most. My feelings on the Playstation 3 controller is summed up by what Cliff Blezinski says about it. It's tiny and it sucks(for me). I own a Playstation 3 and have recently been playing more games on it,(I picked up Dead Nation and Infamous from the welcome back program, and Dead Nation is pretty sweet). The system is great, the blu ray is awesome, but my hands literally hurt after a couple hours of play. That sucks, because I really like the game, and I'm currently playing Ratchet and Clank: a Crack in Time. I just can't play them for long periods of time. I then pick up my 360 controller and it feels perfect. I really don't get Sony's approach to this, especially with the trigger buttons.

I enjoy the online for the 360 better also. I got on the program to pay $40 per year, so it's not too bad. I give Sony props for offering their online for free though. Including downloadable games, I've bought about 15 or so for my Playstation 3, and about 70 for my 360. My kids prefer the 360 as well(maybe that is because of their dad's preference). But, my son's friends own mor 360s than PS3s. Mine too.

I think that XBLA offers more great games than PSN. I have been buying a lot of XBLA games and Indie games too(Decay is AWESOME!! Definately check it out. The first part is only $1) Although, I think that Sony is improving in that area too.

All in all, Sony are doing great. I applaud their dedication to their system. It has been ridiculously improved since its release(which its slow start and bad initial line-up of games, by the way, is the reason I bought my 360). Sony is the reason why the 360 has done so well this generation. I wanted a PS3 before I ever thought of buying a 360. A lot of my friends were just like me. But, I still like my PS3 a lot. I just find it ironic that if Sony would have done a better job at launch, I probably would have never bought my 360.

I'm not a big fanboy of Microsoft, either. I had to send my 360 in to get fixed because it was overheating(I technically never got the red rings of death, but it had the same effect- I couldn't play games). I cringe every time Microsoft raises the price of XBL. My price is set in, but most isn't. I'm tired of the Kinect stuff(God, what a terrible E3!). Yes, I own one(Kinect), and aside from a couple of games, I am underwhelmed, and most of the new games seem gimmicky and laggy. I fear that Microsoft is consentrating on the wrong area of gaming. Sony is moving forward at a great pace with great exclusives and new ones added regularly. Microsoft's exclusives are dwindling, and many of the games that were originally exclusives for the 360 are now multi-platform(Bioshock, Mass Effect etc..). I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Everyone knows that Micro$oft knows how to make money, so I'm sure they'll do well.

Anyways, I know that I've written a lot, but there are a lot of reasons why I like my 360 better. I'm just tired of the fanboyism by certain console owners saying how awesome console X is. It boils down to preference, and I prefer my 360.