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Kinda disagree with IGN here. The one with the most new announcements wins for me.

Luigi's Mansion 2
Tekken 3D
Tekken Wii U
Zelda Four Swords DSi
Smash Bros. Wii U
Smash Bros. 3D
Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge
Wii U
Gold Zelda Wii Remote

Sly 4
PS Vita $250
Street Fighter X Tekken Vita
That Si-fi mmo that looks like an fps (don't know what it's called)
That vita game that connects to the PS3 (don't know what that's called either XP)
And some PS move game (looks kinda lame tbh)

So yeah Nintendo win but just by a bit. If they showed a trailer for Smash Bros then yeah they definitely would have won by a mile.