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Another site redesign? Not good design that the forum buddy links go off the page unless your in widescreen. Looks like it was designed for 1920x1200 resolution.

I think the most exciting news for me at E3 was the announcement of the MGS HD collection on PS3. Or was that leaked before E3? Can't remember. lol

And I was definitely intrigued by the 3D HDTV monitor w/ Resistance 3. Wish they offered a larger size than 24-inches, but I really like the tech, how two people can play co-op and still have the entire screen to themselves. So cool. Will probably keep waiting until 3D w/o glasses takes off and more content is available. Uncharted 3 in 3D is really tempting me tho. lol

Also as of right now I plan to get a Vita.