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Well, tbh I'm very pleased that the WiiU will have Wii bc. I regularly played games like SSBMelee using my Wii before their Wii successor released, I'm sure I'll do the same withe Wii games on the WiiU.

I'll without a doubt keep my Wii, so I can play GC games. Since the Wii's release I've regularly used the GC bc as described above, but also to play games I missed out on originally/wasn't old enough to buy in the 6th gen such as Tales of Symphonia, REmake, Skies of Arcadia Legends, Paper Mario TTYD. Every 18 months-2 years I also quite often replay games such as Zelda WW with Zelda OoT bonus disc, Metroid Prime 1 and 2 and the like.