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S.T.A.G.E. said:

The Wii now has HD. Who will buy it? Most of the core Wii owners already own a PS3 or 360 which already have exclusives of their own. Nintendo needs to set its HD console apart from the competition or this will tank in their faces. Hate to have to inform you but there might be a possibility that the "haters" have thought this through and are just being realistic.

Nintendo has the strongest brands in the video game market. And the Wii U has broad Third-Party-Support. It seems the multiplattformgames will feature the best graphics, alone for the fact the the games will run in 1080p natively with vsync and anti-aliasing. It is the first "real" HD-console that has enough power for Full-HD.

I will sell my Xbox360 these days and my PS3 and my Wii will go the same way a few month before Wii U is released. Wii U is really the console for all gamer.