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The problem I have with all this is that I know a few friends around the world that I have met over the years. We all have the same thoughts regarding this subject. People say that they hate the U.S. That is not true. The people hate the U.S. GOVERNMENT. I love the U.S.A, but I too hate our government. They stick their noses in the buisness of others when they cannot fix the problems in their own country. I cannot say I hate Iranians because of what my Government puts on TV because my friend from that region is a downright loyal human being. The hatred for the US government goes back way before the Bush presidency. The middle eastern countries hated our government then because our damn Gov has been screwing them over. Clinton was starting to improve things between us. It just happens to be that Bush (the real terrorist) finally went too far and they are starting to get tired of being pushed around.