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I'm happy that Nintendo seems to have locked up some nice third party franchises, but I'm still bummed they didn't really show off their own games, and only announced Smash Bros, which we already pretty much knew was coming.. I want to be hyped for this Wii U, but I need to see some damn games in order to do so, dammit Nintendo!

You know what I just realized would be truly awesome on the new console? Freakin' MINECRAFT. That touch screen would be perfect for the game. I know MS has it locked up for now, but perhaps Ninty can lock it up for the future? One can only dream..

Also, I think Nintendo needs to get Dragon Age II and/or the next Dragon Age game assuming they make one, but one closer to the PC version with all the micromanaging.

I feel like this could be a great console for RTS/Strategy/RPGs, but then again I thought Wii would be a great FPS console, so I shouldn't jump the gun :/