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Its very easy to know how powerful a system is on average. Look at its size: If its big, its probably a lot more powerful than small. This is usually due to heat production of better hardware.

Wii u is small so I don't really think it will have the potential of PS4/720. The wii was small too remember?

When PS4/720 release they will have extra-ordinary specs and tech-demos, blowing away Uncharted 3 type. The zelda tech-demo they showed was ok for this gen but under-whelming for the next-gen, when you compare it to other games like Uncharted, Gears, God of War.

And it was a tech demo as well, tech demos are supposed to look the best. If you think about it killzone 2 was showcased back in 2007 and that looked better than zelda tech demo.

I don't think wii u is that powerful at all. Maybe they will change the console design and make it more powerful.