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The industry has always been enamoured with technology for the sake of technology, that's one of the traps developers can fall into (the other trap being when developers get the idea that they're "artists"). Art can contribute, technology can contribute moreso, but at the end of the day it's about what we play, which is why online and motion controls have had more impact than other technical advancements, since both really open up new gameplay possibilities. It's when technology tries to be different, but isn't different in a way that really enhances gameplay experience, that we get into tech masturbation

That's also why there is cause for a ludological argument in gaming (though i don't entirely embrace that perspective, there is some truth to it); that if developers have less tech to work with, they'll have to get more creative, which is why experiences from older consoles tend to have more staying power than experiences from newer consoles in general, though of course there are exceptions to that.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.