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gumby_trucker said:

LOL has anyone seen these two gems of information?
Third parties are already trolling Wii U and it's got at least a year before launch!

Seriously, the SEGA thing especially is just f***in' hilarious!

edit: I'm not trying to diss the system, it may be awesome once it launches... but this reveal is so incompetent it's not even funny! I'm not even sure if this is better than announcing no games whatsoever for the platform, as this just has the potential to lead to disappointment.

Basically what they're saying is that the footage of 3rd party Wii U games was actually footage of games on competing platforms, which may or may not show up on Wii U (but will show up on competing platforms..). Not only does that make Nintendo's presentation lose points, it actually gives points to Sony and MS!!

It's like saying: "Since we haven't started making the new Smash Bros. yet, here are some games you can play on your ps360 while you wait!

Wii U third party sizzle-reel composed of 360, ps3 and PC footage!

When Nintendo showed off a reel of major third-party games currently in development for its newly announced console, the Wii U, the footage wasn't actually playing on Wii U hardware. Nintendo of America prez Reggie Fils-Aime casually admitted as much in a post-presser interview with GameTrailers, excusing it by saying, "We're talking a year away from when the system's gonna launch" -- a hard to argue point, considering developers probably need some time to, ya know, actually make games for it.

We're hoping to see some actual third-party game footage soon, but aren't exactly expecting it in the upcoming weeks. Nintendo's Wii U is expected to launch at some point in 2012, with
Nikkei predicting the latter half of the year.

June 7, 2011 by Deux Michaels Filed Under: Wii U


Gearbox Software and SEGA Support Announcement Presentation at Nintendo’s E3 Press Briefing

LOS ANGELES (June 7, 2011) – SEGA® of America, Inc., SEGA® Europe Ltd. and Gearbox Software today revealed that Aliens: Colonial Marines™, is being prototyped and considered for the Nintendo Wii U™. In partnership with Twentieth Century Fox Consumer Products and developed by critically acclaimed studio Gearbox Software, Aliens: Colonial Marines for this new gaming console is currently under construction by a dedicated research and development branch within the studio.

So, basically, did Ninty give 3rd parties permission to poop on its cereals? This is...  WEIRD!!!   

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW!