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daroamer said:
mchaza said:
SONY also said from the begining they had an set price so they could be breaking even and not losing at all. Also with ball the games funding and advertising funding most likely the PSV could be making an profit but its being consumed by other factors.

There is no way that SONY would put them selves in an ps3 situation again since they are currently in not the best situation right now.

But you don't know what that price was.  It could have been more than $250 and then after the 3DS came out at that price they realized that pricing any higher would be suicide.

But you should remember that americans are getting the best deal then everyone with SONY going the same route as Nintendo by charging Europeans/Japanese 100 dollars more. So they could be making profit on the european sales and japanese but losing on the American sales that could make them lose money. Also they could of had it as 300-350 but had to cut there profits to compete against nintendo. 

Of Course That's Just My Opinion, I Could Be Wrong