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- First of all no new Wii games. Well I don't care about the Wii anymore but I am surprised to see so many 'nintendo fans' giving high scores for the conference while their is nothing anymore for their current favourite console, I guess plenty showed their true face and admit that they in reality also don't give a shit anymore about the Wii? So sad when sony was still announcing PS2 games after the PS3's release..

- 3DS: One year ago I was under the impression that the games on 3Ds were visually looking atleast okay but this year the games looked like they were made for the N64. It is not that big of a deal in the end, still it caught my attention. I applaud Nintendo for bringing some nintendo franchises this year on the 3Ds but that was mostly expected. Was sursprised with Liugi Mansion 2 but it didn't looked that fun to play.

- Wii U: Seriously I don't understand the big deal with the 'if someone needs to go on the tele you can continue on the Wii U controller!' I am so wrong or don't have the majority of the gamers their own television? I can understand why some thought the Ruin PSV feature was alright... Playing the game on your PS3 and then find out you have to go somewhere and continue with the game on the bus it sounds handy..... I don't see people going with an Wii U 2controller on the bus though >_>... It only becomes in handy when you are playing online and you have to take a dump, now you don't have to stop playing but you can continue on the toilet and if it haves build in headset whole your team can enjoy the party that is going on.

It was nice they showed some core games....but I am not rating Sony's or Ms conference high because they showed Mass Effect/COD MW3 etc...So while would I give points for Nintendo for showing games that probably will release later on Wii U anyway... And normally you show off core games that release first on your console not vice versa but I guess I am making no sense?

Anyway I could go on but I stop here..

I am not going to rate it you may fill in a number yourself.