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Whoever gave Nintendo's E3 less than 7/10 is crazier than I am. Or just dumb. Me, I gave it a 9/10. Smash Bros. on the 3DS is perfectly logical, given that it's the first and presently only handheld with reliable analog controls. And it'll probably remain that way even after the PSVita is released. Yeah, that's right Sony: I just called you out on your history of bad analog control with handhelds. Bet you wish you could have come up with the Circle Pad, but you can't, because your creative minds are inferior to Nintendo's creative minds, in every possible way. You didn't think 3D had a place on a handheld, history's gonna prove you wrong. Oh, but you have a touch pad on the back of your handheld? How the hell can anyone use that outside of editing?! And you just had to rip off our touchscreen, didn't you? Oh, but yours has a higher resolution than ours. Our 3D screen has a higher resolution than your touchscreen and is capable of 720p  (or i, I don't remember which). Yours has a camera? Ours has three.  Yours has a microphone? Shit, dude: the original DS had a microphone, and all of our handhelds since have included one. So, I'm done comparing penis sizes. I'm done with this rant. Vita and Halo 4 be damned, Nintendo won E3!


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