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In the U.S. I thought I had heard of the converters being subsidized for poorer families making it less likely to see a huge leap after any type of pass over. Also just seems to me that its still kind of a taste thing to a degree since my old dell monitor can technically display in 720p but was a bit of a requirement for games when you sat so close you could notice the smaller details. For the most part I just don't think most people care, I mean I can speak from personal experience of seeing dvd's played on the PS3 in 480p on a 42" HDTV and bluerays on the same set that there is very little difference in quality I mean yes if you focus you can pick out a few sharpness issues if you look for them but the thing is on games and in movies I'm usually not looking for things like this and unless I do they usually just pass over me without me ever caring if it was in 720p 1080i or 480p. Anyways graphics have never really been a big concern for me overall I mean bought a NES because it had games I wanted to play bought a PS1 because it had games I wanted to play and bought an Xbox for games, yeah a game like Ninja Gaiden can look great but its not the selling point to me personally. I mean really haven't been let down in games I considered worth playing since Mario 64.