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Just got done watching.. Basically if you love surprises and hate Kinect, as I do, this show was not for you. I guess I give MS credit for following through on their promise of more Kinect games. Problem is, nobody really wanted more Kinect games lol. Just like last year, NO new Xbox 360 games announced for you, the non Kinect 360 owner. Third parties should be enough to keep it afloat I suppose, but that's not going to last much longer, especially when you consider that the core is still the vast majority of their userbase. If they turned on Nintendo, who at least has Zelda, Metroid, and Mario at their disposal, how long before they turn on MS, who has nowhere near the 1st party strength?

Star Wars was the one game I was remotely interested in on Kinect besides Child of Eden, but that demo looked god awful. Way too clunky and awkward for my liking. Sesame Street and Disney Land.. Lol I think it's safe to say MS officially trumps Nintendo in the kiddie department.

Gears 3 looks sweet of course, but nothing new there really, just showing off a new boss. Big deal.

Minecraft with Kinect is an interesting surprise, but Kinect seems like a highly impractial way to play the game, and I'm sure it is far superior on the PC, and will probably be half the price. I love how they threw in a brief teaser of Halo 4, probably to keep their core fanbase from starting riots.

3/10, and that's being generous. Saved by Tomb Raider which looks decent, MW3, and the awesomeness of Gears 3, though I have already played it so videos of the game no longer wow me.