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Good graphics and great gameplay are both very important to me, but I would rather a good looking game that plays great than the other way around. My opinion of the Wii is that they knew they were gambling with the Wii so they didn't push the graphics envelope. If Nintendo knew then what they know now about demand for the Wii, I think they would have considered a little better GPU and CPU. If they had done so, I'd already have bought one, but there just isn't anything that compelling just yet. I am so thoroughly disappointed in the Wii's graphics capability that I have not bought one even though there are already a handful of games now or on the near term horizon I'd like to play.

I hate trolls.

Systems I currently own:  360, PS3, Wii, DS Lite (2)
Systems I've owned: PS2, PS1, Dreamcast, Saturn, 3DO, Genesis, Gamecube, N64, SNES, NES, GBA, GB, C64, Amiga, Atari 2600 and 5200, Sega Game Gear, Vectrex, Intellivision, Pong.  Yes, Pong.